Auditing Overview Auditing enables you to determine which activities are occurring on your system and allows you to track access to objects, files and folders; and modifications made to the objects, files and folders. Auditing also enables you to collect information associated with resource access and usage on your system by allowing you to audit system logon, file access, and object access. Security auditing events are written to the Security log of the system and can be accessed from the Event Viewer tool. Because event logs grow over time and typically consume valuable disk space, you have to regularly delete event log entries contained in the Security log. The types of events which you should audit are listed below: Computer logons and computer logoffs Access to objects, and files and folders System events. Performance of user and computer account management activities. To prevent auditing from consuming valuable system resources, you should only audit events which are necessa...
No matter how sophisticated the technology is , It still takes people !