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Info-Application Request Routing

IIS Application Request Routing (ARR) 2.5 enables Web server administrators, hosting providers, and Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) to increase Web application scalability and reliability through rule-based routing, client and host name affinity, load balancing of HTTP server requests, and distributed disk caching. With ARR, administrators can optimize resource utilization for application servers to reduce management costs for Web server farms and shared hosting environments. Balance loads more efficiently across servers to maximize resource utilization IIS Application Request Routing offers administrators the ability to create powerful routing rules based on the URL, HTTP headers, and server variables to determine the most appropriate Web application server for each request. ARR makes request routing decisions at the application level, and can be used in conjunction with hardware load balancers or Windows Network Load Balancing as an added layer of control over HTTP requests. In ad...

Steps to upgrade the Kernel in Linux

 Steps:  1. Update the kernel   a. use 'uname -a' to reveal current version   b. use 'rpm -qa | grep -i kernel' - to reveal installed version   c. cat /etc/grub.conf -> /boot/grub/grub.conf - "" ""  2. Proper installation method is as follows:   a. 'rpm -ivh kernel*rpm' - install a separate version Note: Install the following kernel packages if necessary:   a. kernel-devel* - if module compilation is necessary   b. kernel-headers* - if recompilation is necessary Install:   a. rpm -ivh kernel-2.6.18-53.el5.i686.rpm   Note: This will update GRUB (/boot/grub/grub.conf) Note: Will also place the new kernel in the /boot file system Examine traces in:  a. /boot  b. /boot/grub/grub.conf 3. Remove traces of former kernel using 'rpm -e [--nodeps]'  a. kernel-2.6.18-8.el5 - removes older version  b. kernel-headers-2.6.18-8.el5 - force remove ignoring dependencies 'rpm -e --nodeps kernel-headers-2.6.18-8.el5'...

Modify The Tombstone Lifetime

I would include a few PowerShell scripts here that can be used to modify the tombstone lifetime along with the deleted object lifetime. Remember that the default for both of these is going to be 180 days and will show up as Null if you use LDP to view the attributes. PowerShell Script to change the tombstone lifetime of my domain (AdminPrep.Local) to 250 days: Set-ADObject -Identity “CN=Directory Service,CN=Windows NT,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=AdminPrep,DC=Local” –Partition “CN=Configuration,DC=AdminPrep,DC=Local” –Replace:@{“tombstoneLifetime” = 250} PowerShell Script to change the deleted object lifetime: Set-ADObject -Identity “CN=Directory Service,CN=Windows NT,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=AdminPrep,DC=Local” –Partition “CN=Configuration,DC=AdminPrep,DC=Local” –Replace:@{“msDS-DeletedObjectLifetime” = 250} Courtesy : LazySysAdmin

Configure NIS Services in a Linux server

What is NIS? Network Information Service (NIS) is used for keeping a centralized repository of users, hostnames and other useful information in a computer network. In single server UNIX environments, the list of users and groups is usually kept in a file such as  /etc/passwd . Using NIS adds a "global" directory which is used for authenticating users from any host on the network. Install the Packages: Install the  yp-tools, ypbind and  ypserv  rpm packages on the server. [root@nissrv1 /]# rpm -qa |grep ypbind ypbind-1.12-5.21.6 [root@ nissrv1 /]# rpm -qa |grep ypserv ypserv-2.8-7 [root@ nissrv1 /]# rpm -qa |grep yp-tools yp-tools-2.8-6 Defining the NIS Domain Name: Edit the  /etc/sysconfig/network  file  We need to add the NIS domain name we wish to use in the /etc/sysconfig/network file.  For this example, we will call the domain "LINUX-NIS".  #/etc/sysconfig/network NISDOMAIN="LINUX-NIS"   Note : Use Non-FQDN Names.Edit /...