These are the steps I took to create a new web server instance, which lives in AFS space and is based on uber . You should be able to follow these steps to create a new server instance. You'll need AFS administration access, kadmin access, the ability to create (or request) a DNS entry, and root access on every system you will be modifying.
![]() | These instructions apply to web servers that will host core services (things like myUMBC, spaces, webadmin, etc), which live under /afs/ If you're just looking to create a public web space for someone (/afs/, |
- Request or create an IP address and DNS entry for the new server.
- Create an AFS volume to house the new server. Consult with an administrator to determine the server and partition to use. Use vos partinfo to see a list of available partitions with free space. Example:
3. vos create -server -partition /vicepe -name admin.www.groups -maxquota 9000000
Then, mount the new volume at the root of the new server:
fs mkmount -dir /afs/ -vol admin.www.groups
![]() | If the web application you're deploying will have development and production instances, our convention is to create two separate volumes under a single directory in /afs/ Example: mkdir /afs/ vos create -server -partition /vicepf -name -maxquota 9000000 fs mkmount -dir /afs/ -vol vos create -server -partition /vicepf -name -maxquota 9000000 fs mkmount -dir /afs/ -vol Then, create the dev and prod server instances under these mount points. |
- Release the admin.www volume:
5. vos release admin.www
- Add network interface to web server host. In this case, we are using www7 which is a zone within
7. zones1# ifconfig bge0:14 plumb netmask broadcast zone up
8. zones1# zonecfg -z
9.> add net> set physical=bge0> set address=> end> verify> commit> exit
It appears that this is all that is necessary for the new IP address to "stick" permanently with the zone.
- Create a Kerberos principal for the server instance:
18.kadmin: ank -randkey www/groups
19.kadmin: ktadd -k /tmp/www_groups.keytab www/groups
Put the keytab file in /etc/umbc on the web server host.
- Add an AFS user for server instance. Same as Kerberos principal except slash is replaced by a period.
21.pts createuser www.groups
- Set appropriate ACLs on server directory. The root MUST be readable by system:anyuser, so the startup script can find 'instance.conf'. /afs/
24.fs sa -acl webcore rlidwk -acl system:anyuser rl -acl www.groups rl -dir .
- Set up a local user on the web server host. Apache/etc will run as this user. By convention, the UID should match the AFS ID of the server instance principal. Run 'vipw' and add to /etc/passwd (note that the home directory need not exist):
And /etc/shadow:
Also note that with some servers, the password file entry is controlled by [cfengine]. However it appears that this practice was abandoned at a certain point..
Set ownership and permissions on the Kerberos keytab file: /etc/umbc
28.chown groupswww www_groups.keytab
29.chmod 400 www_groups.keytab
- create logging area (/var/umbc/groups) with correct permissions:
31.mkdir /var/umbc/groups
32.chown groupswww /var/umbc/groups
33.chmod 755 /var/umbc/groups
- Create web server hierarchy. /afs/
36.mkdir bin conf htdocs libexec logs bin
38.ln -s ../../uber/bin/init.d
IMPORTANT!!!! The server root must be world readable (system:anyuser) so the startup script can access 'instance.conf'. You may not want the entire web server tree world readable, though. In this case, go through now and remove system:anyuser access from the subdirectories you just created:
cd /afs/
fs sa -acl system:anyuser none -dir bin -dir conf -dir htdocs -dir libexec -dir logs
Additionally, the server instance will need write access to 'logs'..
fs sa -acl www.groups rlidwk -dir logs
You will also need to explicitly remove these permissions from any other top-level directories you create here, because they'll allow system:anyuser by default (based on server root's ACL).
- Create 'instance.conf' and 'httpd.conf'. For httpd.conf, it's typically easiest to steal a config file from another instance and strip it down.. Also, you might want to toss something into htdocs, just to prove that it works.
- Start up your new web server: /afs/
42../init.d start
Check log directory to make sure everything came up OK. Then try hitting it from a web browser.
- If you want the server to automatically start up and shut down with the server host, add appropriate links to init.d from /etc/rc0.d and /etc/rc2.d.
And that's it.. you should now have a working web server. Next, you might want to add SSL or Tomcat.
Cheers :)