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Showing posts with the label Web-Hosting

How to Configure IIS to Host a Web Page

IIS (Internet Information Services) is an easy to use web server from Microsoft. It is not installed on Windows XP Professional by default. However, it is installed when the user upgrades from Windows NT or Windows 2000 to Windows XP Pro. IIS can be installed as follows: Click Start, click Control Panel, and double-click Add/Remove Programs.  The Add/Remove Programs application starts.  In the left column of the Add/Remove Programs dialog box, click Add/Remove Windows Components. When the Windows Components Wizard appears, click Next. In the Windows Components list, select IIS. Click Next and follow the instructions. inetmgr Install in Windows 7: Click the Start button (or the Windows button) then Control Panel.  Click Programs and Turn Windows features on or off under Programs and Features.  In the list that appears, check Internet Information Services and Internet Information Services Hostable Web Core, click OK, and wait for it to install....

How to restore a pending request in IIS 6.0 if it was deleted

To install a Web server certificate that lacks a pending certificate request: 1. Click Start >  point to Run >  type cmd > click OK. 2. Navigate to the directory where Certutil.exe is stored;  by default, this is %windir%\system32. 3. Type the following command at the command prompt: certutil -addstore my certnew.cer  where certnew.cer is the name of the certificate you received from the certification authority (CA). You should see the following message: CertUtil: -addstore command completed successfully. 4. Navigate to the directory where you stored the certificate you received from the CA. Double click the saved certificate. 5. Click the Details tab and select <All> in the Show drop-down list. 6. In the Field list, select Thumbprint to display its value in the view pane. 7. Select the Thumbprint value in the view pane and then click CTRL+C. 8. Return to the command prompt window and type the following command: certutil -...

Self-Signed IIS SSL Certificates using OpenSSL

Self-Signed IIS SSL Certificates using OpenSSL This tutorial assumes that you have a Linux box with OpenSSL installed,and that you want to create a self-signed certificate for IIS5.0 / 6.0 Set up your CA (you only have to do this once) ON THE LINUX BOX… Create a private key openssl genrsa -des3 -out CA.key 1024 (You’ll need to supply a passphrase. DON’T FORGET THIS!!) Set this to read-only for root for security chmod 400 CA.key Create the CA certificate openssl req -new -key CA.key -x509 -days 1095 -out CA.crt (Provide appropriate responses to the prompts…for Common Name, you might want to use something like “OurCompany CA”) Set the certificate to read-only for root for security chmod 400 CA.crt Obtain a CSR ON THE IIS BOX… Open the Internet Manager Select the site for which you want to create a key Right-click and choose Properties Select the “Directory Security” tab Click the “Server Certificate” button Follow the prompts to create a CSR Save yo...

Installation of Webserver in UBUNTU

1. Introduction · We’re going to install the Ubuntu Server operating system. · We’re going to install an OpenSSH server. This allows you to administer your server from remote computers. · A LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) stack is going to be installed. · In order to follow this tutorial, you’re going to need a few items: · A computer to use as your server. It doesn’t need to be powerful; as long as it’s not ancient, it’ll work fine. · A CD burner and a blank CD. These are so that you can burn Ubuntu to a disk in order to install it. 2. Download Ubuntu Server Now you need to burn the ISO (the file that you downloaded) to a blank CD 3. Install Ubuntu Server Now that you’ve downloaded and burned the ISO, let’s get Ubuntu installed on your server. Put the disk in the drive, and boot from the CD. In most modern computers, this will happen by default if a disk is in the drive when you turn it on. If it doesn’t, then you...

Building a new web server instance

These are the steps I took to create a new web server instance, which lives in AFS space and is based on uber . You should be able to follow these steps to create a new server instance. You'll need AFS administration access, kadmin access, the ability to create (or request) a DNS entry, and root access on every system you will be modifying. These instructions apply to web servers that will host core services (things like myUMBC, spaces, webadmin, etc), which live under /afs/ If you're just looking to create a public web space for someone (/afs/, Request or create an IP address and DNS entry for the new server. Create an AFS volume to house the new server. Consult with an administrator to determine the server and partition to use. Use vos partinfo to see a list of available partitions with free space. Example: 3.   vos create -server -partition /vicepe -name admin....