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The role of VMware Integrated Containers in real life scenario - PART 3

Virtual Container Host Deployment using the "vic-machine" Utility - VMware Integrated Containers In our previous posts , we saw the steps to deploy VIC appliance and deploying the VCH from vSphere client. In this post, we will see the steps to deploy the VCH using the "vic-machine" CLI Utility  Refernce: Once we deploy the vSphere Integrated Containers (VIC) appliance, access the VIC appliance IP from the browser and we land on the below page. From this page, we can download the vSphere Integrated Containers Engine bundle from the appliance and unpack it on the workstation/laptop/ jump host where we connect to our vSphere environment. Unpack the downloaded bundle  The bundle included the following contents and utilities   The VIC bundle includes the vic-machine CLI utility. We use "vic-machine" to deploy and manage virtual container hosts (VCHs) at the command line. Procedure:  ...

How can VMware Integrated Containers be useful in real life scenario - PART2

In this post we see the options to deploy the Virtual Container Hosts ( VCH) Ref: The previous post talks about vSphere Integrated Containers and their benefits. The VIC offers a robust solution that enables the vSphere environment to quickly get containers up and running in their current vSphere infrastructure. This environment can be useful for migrating current apps to containers or for in-house development. Architecture In a traditional container environment, containers run as threads within the container host. vSphere Integrated Containers leverage the native constructs of vSphere for provisioning container-based applications into its own container running its own very minimal Linux kernel with just enough code to run a Docker image, thus preventing any issue with containers being accessed from other containers by pushing isolation of the container down to the hypervisor layer that is much better at handling this type ...

How can VMware Integrated Containers be useful in real life scenario - PART1

What is VIC: VIC - vSphere Integrated Containers enable IT, teams, to seamlessly run traditional workloads and container workloads side-by-side on existing vSphere infrastructure. The solution is delivered in the form of an appliance just like any other VMware mgmt solution. The appliance comprises of,  vSphere Integrated Containers Engine , a container runtime for vSphere that allows you to provision containers as virtual machines, offering the same security and functionality of virtual machines in VMware ESXi™ hosts or vCenter Server® instances. vSphere Integrated Containers Plug-In for vSphere Client , that provides information about your vSphere Integrated Containers set up and allows you to deploy virtual container hosts directly from the vSphere Client. vSphere Integrated Containers Registry (Harbor) , an enterprise-class container registry server that stores and distributes container images. vSphere Integrated Containers Registry extends the Dock...

vRA 7.5 Installation steps - Back to Basics

vRealize Automation Installation Overview You can install vRealize Automation to support minimal, proof of concept environments, or in different sizes of distributed, enterprise configurations that are capable of handling production workloads. Installation can be interactive or silent. After installation, you start using vRealize Automation by customizing your setup and configuring tenants, which provides users with access to self-service provisioning and life-cycle management of cloud services New in this vRealize Automation Installation: If you installed earlier versions of vRealize Automation, be aware of changes in the installation process for this release.  This release simplifies the vRealize Automation appliance node removal process.  The vRealize Automation appliance administration interface has changed.  Database tab features have moved to the Cluster tab. The Database tab has been removed, and the Cluster tab has beco...